
One of the things I was concerned about in writing the book was page count. Yeah, I know, but I was. And it turned out to be a valid concern because the book weighed in at ~370 pages, which is my longest book to date.

One of the early decisions I made was to skip including any supporting appendices in the book. Instead, I would include them in a TBD book support site.

Well, here they are…

  1. Appendix: Early Agile Coaching Growth Wheel History

    Mark did an excellent job of capturing the early days and genesis of the Wheel here.

  2. Appendix: Selecting a Badass Agile Coach

    I felt it essential to include some guidance on finding and interviewing agile coaches. This is a derivative of an article/post I’d written (and updated) over the years.

  3. Appendix: Badass Agile Coaching Learning Journey

    When Mark and I were creating the Comparative Agility Agile Coaching PI, one of the requirements was to create references for the assessments growth & learning planning dashboard. I pulled together this rather exhaustive (~45-page) set of reference materials (articles, books, posts, videos, websites, etc.) aligned with all of the ACGW competency areas; highly recommended!

  4. Appendix: Dojo Scenarios
