Bringing and Being Ourselves

There is the current notion in modern organizations of bringing our whole selves to work. That separating our personal lives from our professional lives isn’t a good idea, healthy, or even possible. A big part of this is how open and transparent you are.

Chris Murman recently posted an article that showed real courage and vulnerability in sharing who he is. He shared his emotional nature and how it has impacted his professional life.

I applaud Chris for this.

It takes an incredible person to share so much of themselves publicly. But if you knew Chris, you wouldn’t be so surprised.

From my perspective, there are different sorts of agile coaches for example—

  1. There are (lots & lots) coaches who simply say they’re coaches.

  2. Then there are coaches (fewer) who are experienced and skilled, but often don’t walk their talk.

  3. Then there are coaches (fewer still) who walk their talk and practice agile & lean principles.

  4. Finally there are coaches (not nearly enough) who walk their talk and practice agile & lean principles all of the time.

At the risk of embarrassing him, Chris is a #4 level coach. He’s also just a great guy who I wish I got to spend WAY more time with.

Wrapping Up

Chris serves as a role model to us all. He’s inspired me, and I hope you, to reimagine how we show up in all aspects of our lives. How we need to be vulnerable, transparent, courageous, and real.

And how I believe that as we do that we will create better all-around results from ourselves, our teams, and our organizations.

Stay agile my friends,
