Truth to Power

Truth or...

Truth or...


Today is May 28, 2022. A few days ago, 19 children and 2 adults were killed in an elementary school in Uvalde, TX. As I watch the details unfold on television and social media, I get sadder and sadder. I can’t imagine with the parents and families are going through and I have no words to comfort them.

I’m simply keeping them, their loved ones, and the Uvalde community in my thoughts and prayers.

But watching the politicians and news organizations twisting and turning to either support gun law changes or defend the 2’nd Amendment and NRA is making my head spin.

It also made me consider the notion of truth in today’s social climate. And how we often try to obfuscate things to avoid inconvenient or uncomfortable truths.

Example Truths

For example, here are some recent truths that have struck me as undeniable in today’s American culture—

  • Mass killings with assault weapons

  • Police killing people of color

  • Unfair distribution of wealth