Coaching the Problem

When to Coach the Problem versus Coaching the Person

When to Coach the Problem versus Coaching the Person

I received the following question from another agile coach the other day…

I'm wondering if you might have a solution for an issue. Within the Agile Coaching Circles, we see a lot of "coaching the problem, not the person." This is regardless of where the circle is located: Europe, Africa, Australia, or North America. We've done the "temperature" exercise, where the more impactful the question, the higher the temperature. However, I'm on the lookout for other exercises to do with groups to help them understand the difference between problem/person. Might you have any ideas? I've got this question in a few different Slack channels and so on, but so far, nothing is coming up.

And here are two resources that help to illustrate the challenge associated with the question—

Here's my reply…