State of Agile Coaching

Ongoing State of Agile Coaching

Ongoing State of Agile Coaching

The State of Agile Coaching report was recently published by a collaboration between the Scrum Alliance and the Business Agility Institute. I participated in the survey and I eagerly awaited to see what surfaced. Since this is the first of its kind, I knew that the insights would probably surprise me a bit.

Links for you—

Here’s a quote from the preface of the report:

The idea for this report was born out of a sense of frustration and necessity. We had just read an article from Anand et al on, “Growing your own Agility Coaches to Adopt New Ways of Working.” The authors wrote something that gave us pause:

“While the role [of agility coach] has exploded on LinkedIn and many profiles claim to be agility coaches, there is no degree or accepted global accreditation that provides comfort around the skills and experience needed for the job.”